徵 求 論 文
1. 論文主題:
2. 研討會日期、地點
3. 論文題目、摘要截止日期:2012年5月15日
4. 論文截止日期:2012年10月1日
南瀛國際人文社會科學研究中心:艾茉莉(Fiorella Allio)、陳奇祿、曹永和、吳密察、蘇煥智、謝國興、植野弘子(UENO Hiroko)、林玉茹、戴文鋒、葉春榮、劉益昌、賀安娟(Ann Heylen)
Third International Conference on Tainan Area Studies
“Religion in transformation in the Tainan Area”
October 20-21, 2012, Tainan City (Taiwan)
Tainan is a historic cultural city with characteristic rituals and special local religious developments. During the past 300 years, Black-head Taoists, Red-head Taoists, Royal Boat Burning, Knife-ladder Climbing, Eight Generals troupes, as well as various kinds of religious processions which can rarely be seen in northern Taiwan nowadays, have been inherited along the centuries and passed down to the present generations.
Ever since the Dutch Period in the 17th Century, local religious activities have been sufficiently documented in archival reports. From the end of the Qing dynasty to the period of Japanese rule, growing attention was dedicated to religion studies in the Tainan area. In recent decades, the revival of local studies has greatly contributed to ever increasing and rich research findings. Thus, the Third International Conference on Tainan Area Studies plans to re-contextualize this development and to point out new research perspectives in this field.
Although the focus of the conference is on the Tainan area, papers including comparative research between Tainan and other regions of Taiwan, or other parts of Asia, are also very welcome.
To underline the featured religious culture in Tainan, we encourage proposals for papers that deal with the following topics:
1. Related topics:
(1) Traditional Religion of the Siraya people
(2) Popular Religions (including the Unity Sect, the Ling San Sect, etc.)
(3) Taoism
(4) Buddhism (including Esoteric Buddhism, Vegetarian Halls and Lay Buddhism)
(5) Christianity
(6) Religion during the Japanese period
(7) Newly risen or imported religions
2. Date and Venue of the conference:
Date: Saturday 20 October and Sunday 21 October, 2012
Venue: Tainan Inner City, Taiwan.
3. Abstract due for: mid-May, 2012.
4. Paper due for: September 20th, 2012.
5. Details:
* Please submit an abstract of one page.
* All the submitted abstracts will be examined by the Conference Planning committee.
* Abstracts and papers can be written either in English or in Chinese.
* The conference will be conducted in English and in Chinese.
* Papers should review the literature on the chosen topic, present materials collected through fieldwork and/or archival research and should open to future perspectives.
6. Further information:
* Please submit your proposal to both e-mail addresses:
Chuen-rong Yeh at yeh@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Steve Wen at ic.tahr@gmail.com.
* Paper presenters will be eligible for the reimbursement of travel expenses and hotel accommodation will be provided during the period of the conference.
2012 Conference Planning Committee
On behalf of:
The International Center for Tainan Area Humanities and
Social Sciences Research
The Graduate Institute of Taiwan Studies – Chang Jung Christian University
Tainan City Government